> One way to solve this could be to split this list into two;
> one moderated and one un-moderated. All mail gets sent to the
> un-moderated list, to avoid the suspicions of censorship that
> makes this list different from bugtraq, and those mail that
> pass moderation, or is sent from someone who is known from
> previous posts to be serious, will also be sent to the moderated
> list.
Note that at least one other list (the cypherpunks) use a two-pass
system - the main list is a "raw" unmoderated, multinode list but there
are available "moderated" nodes which take the raw list and pass it though
moderation - so you can choose either raw access, or a selection of
different moderators (whichever suits your style/preferences best)
depending on which node you subscribe to.
Perhaps someone could create a similar scheme - subscribe, then offer a
moderated "view" of the list for those who would appreciate that - as a
value added service.

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