Josh wrote:
During my subscriptions to this list, I have noticed a continuing rise in the noise floor. Recently, the list has seen somewhat of an alarming trend:


I remember in usenet alt.hackers had a policy where you had to hack the newsgroup to post (hint: the newsgroup was specified as "moderated", yet wasn't). The idea was that anyone who couldn't figure out how to make a post to the newsgroup wasn't worthy of posting in the 1st place. It definitely cut down the noise-to-signal ratio.

A couple of lame ideas to raise the posting bar:

1) You could have a server that you have to break into, to post from.
2) You could set up an NNTP -> mailing list gateway, and set the moderator flag on the newsgroup (problem: not timely :( ).
3) You could have a jabber server -> mailing list gateway. To post a message you have to put together your own jabber client that adds a custom XML tag to the message. (trivial with perl or even netcat).
4) You have to embed your message on the back of an ICMP echo reply packet, sent to a particular server (that then uses SNORT & perl to capture the message and post it).
5) The OpenBSD lists seem to raise the bar by being *really* *really* nasty to people that waste everyone's time.

I suspect that the best solution is just to make posting stoopid emails a terrorist act, punishable by being extradited to Syria for 10 months of torture.

If anyone wants me, I'll be in Syria.

Brett Hutley [MAppFin,CISSP,SANS GCIH]

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