However, the existence of evidence of active collusion, suppression and
destruction of evidence, and out and out awful code with variable
assignment without proper type conversion errors that effectively result
in random number generation:

Do undermine the argument that we should all give over our entire
economies to a bunch of Socialist Gaianist planners and a one-world
government based on the results of said code, and the work of said
"scientists", especially when the authors of this mess and those who
promote them stand to take a (really large $$$) vig on the trading
platforms mooted as the solution.

In this case, it is the Climate Change crowd who are the Catholic Church
enforcing orthodoxy and stifling dissent, not the climate change

The code review is where this particular constituency has expertise. Can
we all stop with our religio-political barking at each other, and review
the code.

Even you true believers have something to gain from this, as better
code, with more eyes on it, should generate more irrefutable evidence of
your faith, assuming it is actual Science, as opposed to Socialist
Gaianism wrapped in the shroud of Science (choice of "shroud"
deliberate, as I see the current rise of "Environmentalism"; the
religion; as being as anti-rational and likely to lead to a new dark age
as the rise of Christianity was at the end of the Roman empire).

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 5:26 AM
To: RandallM; Drsolly
Cc: funsec
Subject: Re: [funsec] simple question

--- On Fri, 12/4/09, Drsolly <> wrote:

> > If we have "fudged" climate, how much on "evolution"
> evidence to fit theories?

> > Possible?

No.  ;~)

> You're right! And what about this god theory! Possible? 

In boating parlance this is called "cavitation": spinning your prop but
goin' nowhere.  If every complex issue is decided black or white based
on whether there is any imperfection in anyone's data or process in
considering it from any side of the issue, then it is very simple to
conclude that there is no answer to anything and every opinion is of
equal validity.  In reality this just isn't the case.  My opinion that
the universe was created a minute ago with half of this comment written
and my memories of 44 previous years already in place is completely
defensible and cannot be disproven by any measurement or argument - but
it is still complete malarkey not worthy of equal consideration.

The question of evolution is extremely simple.  Either the universe is
what it looks like - 13.4B years old or so with galaxies and stars and
planets and critters evolving from stage to stage - or it was created
sometime more recently with whatever artifacts are seen to exist at that
time (like bipedal mammalian cognition engines and quasars) and all
evidence of their earlier states already in place by some
extra-universal force which by any definition is a "deity".

Everyone is free to believe the latter, but without religious
convictions to back it up there isn't any other reason to do so.
Without an external "Designer" the only option is to believe that in an
empty field a breeding pair of humans spontaneously appeared out of thin

On the topic of "evolutionary biologists/climatologists/nuclear
physicists fake all this stuff to keep themselves employed" I only ask
that this group consider the "you folks create viruses to keep
yourselves employed, right?" question we have all been asked.  The
existence of a plausible motive does not a plausible theory make.



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