Yes, and it you look at the real to integer, and integer to real,
assignments without conversion functions, you can see where the actual
assignment may be indeterminate. I don't have the datasets, and haven't
done Fortran since F77, but when I did Fortran, assignment without type
conversion produced unpredictable results. Specifically, in little
endian machines, assigning a real to an integer was a very workable
random number generator.



From: Martin Tomasek [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 4:04 PM
To: Tomas L. Byrnes
Cc: Drsolly; funsec; RandallM
Subject: Re: [funsec] simple question


Tomas L. Byrnes napsal(a): 

Hence we return you to my focus: the code. Code does not lie, it merely
does what it was told. 


By my reading, the CRU code produces ever more excited random numbers.
Someone else please read it and prove me wrong.

Quote from docs: "Had to make some changes to allow for the
move back to alphas (different field length from the 'wc -l' command)."

If their code depends on calling external programs, it will be difficult
to verify. Unless you are sure of actual output formats. :-)

Martin Tomasek

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