On Wed, 01 Dec 2010 11:31:49 EST, Brance Amussen said:

> Seriously, you're in jail! Why the hell do you get the privilege of
> anything. When my parents grounded me, I couldn't do anything, that was the
> punishment. I wouldn't have learned a lesson if I was grounded, and could
> still play on the computer, or go outside, or whatever. Jeeeees....
> Seriously. Wtf?

It lets you keep in touch with your family, your lawyer, etc.  Especially if
there's children involved, you really don't want to be punishing the innocent
kids by removing the parent entirely from their life.  Also, if the inmate
becomes estranged from his/her family due to lack of contact, that's one
less reason for them to go straight when they get released.

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