On Wed, 01 Dec 2010 12:59:29 EST, Brance Amussen said:
> That's what snail mail is for, visitation days. Poor kids yes, but
> ultimately maybe they learn not to be like mom, or dad who's in jail.

Actually, the evidence is pretty high that the kids from families where
a parent is in jail have a *higher* chance of ending up in jail themselves.

Google for "parental figure crime" and let me know which way the reality slants.
How far down do you have to go before you find a citation that supports the
idea that lacking a parent convinces them to not do the same thing?

> highly doubt (while perhaps possible) that familial contact would actually
> be an impetus for going straight, a support group perhaps, but a reason, not
> likely. It's far more likely that lack of familial contact is an underlying
> cause of the incarceration.

You *do* realize that lack of a support group is a major cause of recidivism?
Who's more likely to come back to incarceration, the guy who's got a wife and
kids that he has a reason to stay straight, or the guy who's lost them and
doesn't have any real reason anymore to try hard to stay straight?

And even if lack of family contact is an underlying *cause*, maybe that should
be a hint that addressing the lack and *fixing that problem* might help in
actually rehabilitating the person so they don't come back?  I mean, if you had
somebody who'd shown up in the ER 3 or 4 times with issues that were due to an
underlying problem with high blood pressure or something, wouldn't you consider
treating that so they didn't end up in the ER again?

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