While on the NSA surveillance / PRISM topics, if you take issue with the 
rampant invasion of citizen privacy by the U.S. government, then make your 
voice heard by adding your name to one or more of these petitions.





And while you're at it I'll digress from the fun in funsec slightly further, in 
suggesting that you thoughtfully consider this unrelated petition that was 
inspired by current battles in Congress over immigration reform.


I know what you're saying - what the hell does that have to do with funsec?  
It's a stretch but the sec in funsec is short for security, as we all know.  
And certain idiots in Congress are insisting that no immigration reform will be 
passed that doesn't include the throwing of countless billions of dollars into 
more border security.  As taxpayers we should be up in arms over such fiscal 
irresponsibility.  Lets all look at this together, wearing our nifty InfoSec 
risk assessor hats.  We look at IT security risks, countermeasures, and the 
value of available security controls routinely, and we can easily apply those 
same principles and practices to non-IT areas.

Risk = Many immigrants enter the U.S. illegally every year, subsequently take 
jobs away from legal residents (under the table), don't pay income taxes, don't 
pay into social security, put a drain on social services, and whatnot

Risk Countermeasures:
#1 - giant walls that span almost 2,000 miles, mega surveillance above and 
below ground, a million border guards, etc.
#2 - laws that threaten employers with hefty fines and/or prison sentences for 
hiring illegal aliens

Now we identify the Effectiveness of the two Countermeasures.

Countermeasure #1 = Medium effectiveness (which gets a value of 2, in a scale 
of 1-2-3)
Countermeasure #2 = High effectiveness (which gets a value of 3, in that same 

Next we identify the Cost of the proposed countermeasures.

Countermeasure #1 = High cost (which gets a value of 1)
Countermeasure #2 = Low cost (which gets a value of 3)

Now we calculate the Value using this formula:

Quantified/Qualified Control Value = "Effectiveness of Countermeasure" 
multiplied by its "Implementation Cost"
....where the calculated results of;
6-9 = High Value
3-4 = Medium Value
1-2 = Low Value

Using that formula and the values derived above we can deduce the following;

Countermeasure #1 = 2 (Medium effectiveness) multiplied by 1 (High cost) = 2 = 
Low Value
Countermeasure #2 = 3 (High effectiveness) multiplied by 3 (Low cost) = 9 = 
High Value

In summation, High Value > Low Value 
(no duh)

Also in summation, our elected representatives are a bunch of corrupt idiots 
who obviously can't do simple math.

Just for the record, I'm pro-immigration but anti-illegal-immigration, and 
calling for fiscal responsibility on this topic should not be misconstrued as 
any bias against migrant workers from below our southern border.

Respectfully submitted,
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