You should be able to do this without JavaScript just using FPImposer. I am not sure why you are using "stack." There are so many ways of going about this, its hard to send direction without seeing your .fpi file or have a better idea what your template or data looks like.

For an example you can use to compare with what your doing, we created a Ticket Imposition Demo in our knowledgebase.

 go to
 click "View FusionPro Knowledge Base"
 Sample Jobs
 Download article 253751 Ticket Imposition Demo

or start the download now ->

This is a 10-up ticket demo. The template size is the size of one ticket. In FPImposer it is set to 2 vertical and 5 horizontal. The data repeats to equal the total number of tickets I wish to print. Is this what your doing? If not, how is it different?


Brian Ray

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