tom abeles wrote:
> the "green utopia" doesn't seem to be worth the price to get their- it
> is not a resort destination but a destination of last resort- we get
> there if we conserve and we get there if we don't- 

Is that true?  Isn't the question *what "we"* gets there?  Will
that "we" include me, you, my children, your children, etc.  I am
reminded that that century after the Black Death in Europe was
a great time to be alive (due to labor shortages which raised
wages, etc.) -- great for those who *survived the plague*.

> it may be somewhat
> more pleasant if we go their volunatrily, but is it worth the price?
> that is what the Greens have not addressed- Gucchi's yes, Birkenstocks
> No
> Other than an apocolypse or a serendpitous epiphany strking the world,
> what is the alternative?
> thoughts?

I will only one more time belabor the point: The immediate
space of "speech and action" which we inhabit in face-to-face
community offers infinite opportunities for interest and 
satisfaction.  The philosophical heritage from Kant (Plato?
etc.), Husserl, etc. (and other traditions, like Gregory
Bateson, etc.) gives us the solid theory to base ourselves on
without religious preconditions, etc.  Even for space
exploration, the Internet, etc., there is another "horizon"
which awaits exploration and the application of human
intelligence and creativity: the social relations in which
those activities are inescapably embedded (why not start with
the treatment of graduate students, adjunct faculty, etc.?).

The starry heavens above are just more lumps of the
kind of stuff we see at our feet -- the great miracle is
that we see *anything* and share our vision with
one another.

\brad mccormick  

   Mankind is not the master of all the stuff that exists, but
   Everyman (woman, child) is a judge of the world.

Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
914.238.0788 / 27 Poillon Rd, Chappaqua, NY 10514-3403 USA
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