> ++ a steady state economy in a steady state population - even the
> requirement for a reduced population for Ontario is mentioned - and
> Wackerneigle's requisit extra planets;
> ++ a radical change in the control of the Central Bank, and the way debt and
> interest is handled.  Some of their policies come from William Krem, a
> respected economist;
> ++ a shifting tax from personal income to resource usage;
> ++ a guaranteed annual wage;
> ++ the placing a limit on maximum income;
> ++ the reduce/eliminate government subsidies on energy;
> ++ the elimination of nuclear energy;
> ++ policies which enhance co-op housing;
> ++ change voting system to proportional representation;
> ++ prohibitions against industrial corporate exploitation of undeveloped
> countries. 

So what way such a system, based still on a
capitalist market's profits, would tick over?


> So what have we here, pie in the sky? or a real but fledgling political
> option in Canada?  I've decided on the latter, partly because, a few years
> ago I decided to never again vote for any of the pro-growth political
> parties - I'd consider it, like, immoral, something like supporting the
> Third Reich, but far more destructive in the big picture long term. 
> I suspect many of GPOntario progressive policies could use fine tuning from
> groups of elders in a variety of interconnected specialty areas (energy
> policy for one).  Nevertheless, last weekend, I agreed to be named as a
> contact/coordinator the local riding in my part of Toronto.
> I have no idea how strong are the linkage between the Greens in various
> countries, states or provinces, but hope to find out.  
> If all Green political groups were all as progressive as the Ontario Greens
> now seem to be, and since they have global presence now, with a little help
> from very many places, perhaps they could grow into a challenging force
> leading to stage one of a social contract shift which gives due respect for
> Gaia, in the human/Gaia relationship.  This could give Joe public a viable
> option, where we could, "Fight the bastards" as Victor Milne says.
> solidarity in Gaia
> Don Chisholm
>                         ////////\\\\\\\\
>                     Don Chisholm
>           416 484 6225    fax 484 0841    
>           email  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       The Gaia Preservation Coalition (GPC)
>        http://www.envirolink.org/orgs/gaia-pc
>        personal page: http://home.ican.net/~donchism/dchome.html
> "There is an almost gravitational pull toward putting out of mind unpleasant
> facts.  And our collective ability to face painful facts is no greater than
> our personal one.  We tune out, we turn away, we avoid.  Finally we forget,
> and forget we have forgotten.   A lacuna hides the harsh truth."   -
> psychologist Daniel Goleman
>                       \\\\\\\\\/////////

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