At 09:49 AM 11/23/98 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>fran^don wrote, in a small part:
>> There is a growing chorus of people suggesting we need change, such as
>> Theobald, Raven, Moore, McMurtry, Rifkin, etc. who all tell of why the
>> existing must go.
>> I'm suggesting it's time we create a story of HOW success could emerge out
>> of a dark time in human history.  If we cannot imagine how and then express
>> it, then, who can?  And if it's unimaginable, then we may as well give up
>> and continue bowling or golfing until the energy runs out.
>In fact, there are a host of others who also have postive visions. there
>is Julian Simon and his associates. and there are even those such as
>Rothenberg who have abandoned the deep ecology arena in favor of and
>evolving world where man's mind and its creations are part of the

Tom, I'm at a disadvantage here because I'm not sure where you're coming
from.  To bring Julian Simon into any serious conversation about the future
would mean that you are either naive, or in lampoon mode.  I don't know who
Rothenberg is, and don't see his position on mental evolution as being
relevant to the discussion.  On the other hand, Vaclav Havel has made some
fairly intelligent and profound observations.

>Vaclav Havel is quated as saying:
>Fear of History... is not only fear of the future but also fear of the
>past.  he who fears what is to come usually also fears facing what has
>already been.  and he who fears facing his own past must mecessarily
>fear what lies before him.
>and therein lies the problem.
>tom abeles

My thought is that the time for philosophy and navel gazing is past, and we
should think more of marketing strategies.  That is, marketing and packaging
of information and ideas in ways which resonate with the general the public
and gives them something to by into.  Jay's web page is great for people who
want a hit of reality from time to time - but then what?  There no plan, no
movement.  Surely a collective group could do more. There is a vast build up
of collective human intelligence and tools, virtually none of which has been
put to use against the problematique in a cognitive intentional fashion with
a stratigic plan.

Don Chisholm

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