Thoughts on the character of Mass Production;

This discussion of course is one about the character of technological systems 
themselves. Are they neutral, value free or socially constructed. I think enough 
evidence now points to technologies as social control mechanism as well. Among many 
possible technical paths to the solution of production questions some are preferred 
over others due essentially to the power game. 
Mass production is a particularly poignant example of this due to its embodiment of  
Taylorist management and deskilling. To expect a participatory outcome from mass 
production would be impossible due to its development as an elite control technology. 

A good example of the impossiblity to democratically control mass production was the 
beginnings factory soviets in the opening phases of the bolshevik revolution. Mass 
production technologies transferred  or rather copied from the west allowed only 
hierarchical control giving rise to the consolidation of the management elite. 

That participative and democratic control of technology is necessary, there is no 
doubt. But the design of production technologies is where the real social control has 
to come in, all the way to the initail research&development phase. How present 
capitalist technologies can be reconfigured  for a fairer workplace and production 
process is the baffling question!!?

Baha Kuban

>>> "Durant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/16/98 10:31 >>>
I've forgotten who I responded to here,
sory if it is a repeat.


I think I did have a similar question before -
I don't think that the "home-industry"
style production can satisfy the needs of the present number
of people. Also, if we can find the sustainable means
of cutting down on the soul-numbing jobs, why shouldn't
we? Lets keep the capitalism created wonders
of science and technology, through democratic
control, let's make sure it is done sustainably
and with minimal environmental degregation.
I picture the next era witha minimum of
rotated unwanted task, and full individual
creative development.


> Eva, why would we want to keep mass production; which is a
> particular manifestation of capitalist production relations
> pertaining to a particular accumulation regime of a particular era
> in the techno-eco omic history of capitalism, for a sustainable
> world may I ask. I am sorry if I am out of context here because I
> didn't listen well...
> baha 
> >>> "Durant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/12/98 12:51 >>>
> Mass production and globalisation is necessary
> if we want to sustain sustainably the earth's
> population. That is why we cannot go back
> to some quaint early form of capitalism.
> Eva

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