Dear Thomas,

I think JG's argument is a 'thought experiment':

> As a first step, imagine a national economy entirely closed to trade.  Such
> an economy will have three basic types of activity in it. 

He never claims that reality operates in this fashion. Trade has been
part of most national economies for centuries. 

>  Both of you are
> right, it is just the JG's carefully constructed analysis and the terms he
> uses are designed to provide a proof that is different than that which
> current economic theory holds as true.  Your information, in my opinion, is
> to prove that the current levels of population and their effect upon the
> earth resources is the real problem.  I agree with both of you.

Current economic theory also rejects notions of 'irrational human
demand' and 'limits to growth'(book title by Donella Meadows). Seeking
or claiming to know "the real problem" is IMO fruitless. Wholesystem
analysis precludes linear causation in the big picture. I offer no
solution, but resist ideological, single faceted ones. I do believe
population is a signinicant factor that has been avoided for decades.


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