Whoever you vote for, the economic power - and with that the 
political control, stay in the same place, with the biggest 
companies and corporations. You can only effect political power, if 
you take over the economic control. You have to take into collective 
ownership the most powerful blocks in the economy, such as banks, 
multinationals. Sounds slightly radical - some of it has been done in 
the past when there were large and enthusiastic majorities for it.
It can be done, this time under democratic control and not 
to prop op the rest of the private approprietive system.
We produce collectively, time is ripe now to distribute collectively.
Will there be someone with academic credentials  to admit reality?


> Whether we have a DD system or a Representative System, the will of the
> people is constant.  Security is the goal of all people.  People continually
> vote for more security, medicare, unemployment insurance, pensions and other
> supports.  Elected governments continually promise security.  And then - yes
> you guessed it, the ideology of laissez-faire capitalism subverts the
> politicians into other directions from which they recieved a mandate to act.
> We then turf the buggers out because the next group convincingly sings the
> theme song of security only to be subverted once again.  The real question
> is which ideology should be dominant - democracy or capitalism.  The people
> continually, whether marxists, socialists or capitalists, at their human
> individual level, continually opt for more security.  The problem to me
> seems less in how we elect them, but rather in how we can make them produce
> the effects they promise.
> Respectfully,
> Thomas Lunde

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