It isn't capital that is the source of the problem, it is the political
resistance of capitalists to resolving the contradictions of capitalism
that is the source of the problem. What is intolerable to me is that the
more we acquire the means of actually solving some of the big problems the
more strenuously do the vested interest gate-keepers refuse to employ
them for humane ends. Why? Because it would interfere with THEIR
individual sovereignty. What has evolved over the 20th century should no
longer properly be called capitalism, because it isn't so much the
ownership of productive capital that confers power but the highly
capitalized manipulation of images, public opinion and political
influence. I call it Postumism because C.W. Post, the cereal tycoon,
pioneered the scale of deceptive advertising and political bullying on
which modern political economy stands.

On Sun, 5 Dec 1999, Ed Weick wrote:

> Is capital and its owners, the capitalists, really responsible for the sorry
> state of the world?  

Tom Walker
TimeWork Web

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