I thought it was Lenin who made the comment about capitalists selling the
rope for their own hangings. However, this is just a vague recollection, and
I don't have anything at home to look it up in.

Victor Milne

----- Original Message -----
From: Cordell, Arthur: #ECOM - COMÉ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Ed Weick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Timework Web <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: December 05, 1999 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: torn

> Who was it that said, 'a capitalist will sell you the rope that you later
> use to hang him' ?
> I thought it was Engels, but can't find the source.
> The quote, though, shows the problem.  One of greed and lack of long term
> attention to enlightened self interest.
> I guess Lord Acton also said it, but in a different way, 'power corrupts,
> absolute power corrupts absolutely.'
> The key is balance.
> arthur
>  ----------
> From: Timework Web
> To: Ed Weick
> Subject: Re: torn
> Date: Sunday, December 05, 1999 10:10AM
> It isn't capital that is the source of the problem, it is the political
> resistance of capitalists to resolving the contradictions of capitalism
> that is the source of the problem. What is intolerable to me is that the
> more we acquire the means of actually solving some of the big problems the
> more strenuously do the vested interest gate-keepers refuse to employ
> them for humane ends. Why? Because it would interfere with THEIR
> individual sovereignty. What has evolved over the 20th century should no
> longer properly be called capitalism, because it isn't so much the
> ownership of productive capital that confers power but the highly
> capitalized manipulation of images, public opinion and political
> influence. I call it Postumism because C.W. Post, the cereal tycoon,
> pioneered the scale of deceptive advertising and political bullying on
> which modern political economy stands.
> http://www.vcn.bc.ca/timework/postum.txt
> On Sun, 5 Dec 1999, Ed Weick wrote:
> > Is capital and its owners, the capitalists, really responsible for the
> sorry
> > state of the world?
> Tom Walker
> TimeWork Web
> http://www.vcn.bc.ca/timework/worksite.htm

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