From: "Ed Weick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: torn
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 1999 08:06:05 -0500

Part of Ed's post begs a reply.

To obtain clarity, can we agree that capital as a stored value is a good
thing. That Capitalizm, the monetary manipulation (percursor to individual
appropriation of excessive capital value) is the essence of the problem?

The incorrect definition of the problem begs an incorrect solution or
response. Please add to or modify my definition of the problem!

Ed Weick Wrote:

Is capital and its owners, the capitalists, really responsible for the sorry
state of the world?  It would seem to me that even where there is little
capital —  in the remote outbacks of the world (or the "periphery", as some
would call it) —  people do nasty things to each other.  But then perhaps
capital plays a role.  What role might it have played in the killings of
Rwanda, or Sierra Leon, or Kosovo, or Afghanistan or any of the other places
in which people have engaged in mass slaughter?  What role is it playing
currently in the destruction of the Chechyns?  It may have supplied the
guns, bullets, bombs and machetes, but would it have supplied the
intolerance and animosity that compelled people to do what they did?

Ed G. said: The role of "capitalists" those who use the monetary system to
manipulate people is most certainly at the root of the problems. 

Ed W. said:
Capital was almost certainly present in the slaughter of six million Jews
during World War II.  You could not have done that without capital or
capitalists to provide it.  But capital also played another role there.  It
provided a credible reason for genocide.  Jews were, after all, the owners
of large volumes of capital, especially finance capital, and they were using
it to attempt to dominate the world, much like the capitalists of today.
The "Protocols of Zion" said so.  It was only right and proper that the
world was rid of Jews because a life under their domination would have been
intolerable, except of course to themselves.

Ed G said:
We enter some dangerous ground here. The danger is that we not make the
same mistake as Hitler. In the same sense that "one swallow does not a
summer make", the categorization of Jewish people is not only wrong but
unfair. The 6M who died in the holocaust were not all wealthy capitalists.
The holocaust started by targeting the communists. A fair number of
outspoken communists were Jewish. Some readers will recall the book "The
God That Failed" By Kunstler? For many Jewish people communism was the
answer to problem. It still is as evidenced by a variant form of communizm
in Isreal's local government.
If Jewish people are to be labeled as "rich capitalists", how to explain
the outstanding social work advicated and accomplished by members of that
faith? Not only in Canada but other countries as well.

We need to keep the focus, not on sects groups religions etc. but on the
problem. If and such group does have inordinate powers, that can be dealt
with by the "eqitable" legislation that outlaws or circumscribes powers
and/or possessions that exceed the what the public considers to be in the
public interest.

Ed W. said:
It is possible that far more than conflict and genocide can be laid at
capital's doorstep.  

Ed G said: I insist on differentiating between capital and capitalizm or
capitalist. Capital is a "social good". Capitalism is the monetary
domination of the goods and their inequitable distribution and a capitalist
is one who engages in that activity.


Ed G
Peace and goodwill

Ed Goertzen,
Oshawa, ON, CA
L1G 2S2,
        Timocracy: A form of governance known in ancient Greece that means
"government by the worthy". While at that time 'worthy' meant property
owning, there is no reason not to define it as "those who want to
participate in the none partisan formation of, and administration of public
affairs in addition to electing represenatives." To be followed by firm
advice to their elected representatives and reporting back to electors. 
        For further information contact Ed Goertzen at >>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<<

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