Good point, Lawry.  Indeed, for any combinations of the obvious
keywords, google lists Wikipedia and BEFORE

Btw, another piece of evidence that only the ship personnel could know:

"Israel attacked the USS Liberty using UNMARKED AIRCRAFT. This is the
single fact which proves Israel knew exactly who they were attacking.
Israel's story is that they thought USS Liberty was an Egyptian ship and
therefore a legitimate target of war. Were that true, there would be no
reason to attack a supposedly Egyptian ship with unmarked aircraft. The
only possible reason to use unmarked aircraft to attack the ship is that
Israel knew it was an American ship and intended to sink it, then to blame
the attack on Egypt.

Moorer, who as top legal council to the official investigation is in a
position to know, agrees that Israel intended to sink the USS Liberty and
blame Egypt for it, thus dragging the United States into a war on Israel's
behalf. This seems to be a common trick of Israel. Starting with the Lavon
affair, through the USS Liberty, to the fake radio transmitter that tricked
Reagan into attacking Libya, to potentially 9-11 itself, Israel's game is
to frame Arabs and set them up as targets for the United States."
( quoted from )


Lawry wrote:
> 1. You assert repeatedly that you merely grabbed material on the Liberty
> from the 'first site' of the list that Google generated for you. You assert
> that you did not deliberately choose a propaganda source hoping to mislead
> us.
> 2. OK, there is a simple test of your veracity:
> Tell us the words you entered into Google that led Google to generate
> 'jewish virtual library' as the first choice.
> Seeing as you were querying the USS Liberty incident, I imagine you started
> off with "USS Liberty...."  What words did you next enter?

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