--- Begin Message --- Lawry,

In my opinion, the concept that one has to constantly retrain and pull up roots and jump around the country on a moments notice based on the fortunes, or more adequately, misfortunes of multinational companies is no answer. 

It is niegh physically and emotionally  impossible to build a stable family and  community using this failed model.  I believe, we are witnessing the last stage or cancer stage of what has passed as Capitalism.

We must realize also, that if the most gifted among us are no longer able to succeed using this model,  then the vast majority of citizens are even less able to succeed.

Ruthless behaviour and personal greed has been rewarded by corporate promotions in all too many cases.  These ruthless individuals, in power, have managed to buy
our national policy and the politicians no longer represent the citizenry.

So,  the first order on an agenda for change, in my opinion, would be the enfranchisement of the populace in the decisions of government in a direct participatory democracy.  In the US,  the Congress could be maintained and
individual Senators and Congressmembers would still serve on committees,
develop bills etc.   However an interactive video model for the debate and
subsequent vote would be put to the public.  Safeguards against non informed
citizens casting ballots could be incorporated by using tests designed by the
debate principals which would have to be passed, prior to a vote being recorded.
A national television station could run the debates 24-7 and citizens could take
the tests as often as possible until passed, to become eligible to vote on a bill.
This system could be carried out at local levels as well,  and should gain popularity
by being tested in one or more local areas.  Incentives could also be built in to give citizens incentives such as tax breaks for each vote they cast.

The idea that a representative democracy is somehow superiour to a direct democracy has no merit to most US citizens, who for the most part, believe that their
government reps. have sold out to the highest bidder.  

This is a start,  there is more,  if you are interested.    Robert

--- End Message ---

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