Lawrence de Bivort wrote:
> Thanks for the Lightfoot-Klein reference, Brad. Is this a book?

This is the classic text on Female Genital Mutilation.

here's the link:

And, anent cultural "sensitivity", the book makes the
point that parents do this to their children
because they love their children and this is what
they believe loving parenthood demands, *not*
because they hate their children!  And that is what
I find most disturbing of all about ethnic semiotic
formations: not how they would have us treat our
enemies, but what they have us do to ourselves and
our friends.

Shifting to the psychological register, there are
Alice Miller's books _The Drama of the Gifted Child_,
_Thou Shalt Not Be Aware_, and _For Your Own Good_.
If Miller is too "popular" for you, I can provide
some more scholarly sources....

    In the land of the blind
    the one eyed man is adjudged to have a physical defect,
    and his one eye is cut out so that he
    can live a fully human life.  Eventually
    he forgets the pain of the surgery without anesthetic,
    and thanks his loving elders, one of whom
    he becomes and operates on the next generation
    for their own good.



It's a warm muddy evening here, but I will
go out and look up at the curdling moon.
Even a moon that's the color of aged gouda
is better than a fully Venusian "atmosphere", but I prefer 
when the medium does not taint the message.
If it takes pollution for a fish to discover
water, then let the fish remain oblivious
of water in its delectation of good things
in the water.
[See Schubert's "Trout" song and piano sonata, e.g.].
A piscine Newton would probably come along eventually
anyway to found the science of aquatic optics....

\brad mccormick

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