According to some of our newspapers this morning, there is now so much
pressure from America's "allies" all round the world that Bush may be
willing, after all, to seek United Nations backing for a war, or at least,
a new UN resolution for weapons inspections in Iraq.

On the face, this is an amazing volte face -- and, really, is little short
of suggesting that Cheney and Rumsfeld have been idiots in their recent
bellicose speeches when, after all, they were fully aware that
international opinion and fierce criticism within Congress were almost
unanimously against US policy already.

The interesting thing is that David Rennie, the Daily Telegraph's man in
Washington, is saying that officials in Washington and at the president's
ranch in Crawford are engaged in "fierce discussions" over this. Have
rumours of this been leaked on purpose?

It looks to me as though officials are indeed preparing the ground for a
possible change of tack on Bush's part. But if Bush does change tack then
he'll have to give more substantive reasons than "Sorry, folks, we didn't
realise that we'd upset so many people."

I still think that the answer lies in the effect of Bush's meeting with
Prince Bandar, the Saudi Arabian ambassador, on Tuesday -- that is, for the
royal family to get smart, and to start unhitching the Saudi constitution
from Islamic law, and to seriously root out the extremists and the al Qaeda
network within their country.

Whether the modernists within the Saudi royal family will succeed, I've
little idea -- though my hypothesis implies that it has a good chance. If
it does happen -- and once the possibilities for a more stable Middle East
become so much more promising (among other things, it would greatly improve
the chances of president Khatami and other reformers in Iran) -- then Bush
will have a face-saving reason for agreeing to approach the UN for a new

So I think that the next important news will be of big changes within the
Saudi Arabian government. They changed their constitution radically (in the
favour of the fundamentalists) immediately after Gulf War I. I don't see
why they can't modify their constitution again in order to prevent what
they imagine to be a potential Gulf War II. If these changes don't happen
within the next week or so, then I cannot imagine that Bush will change his
present policy. I'm not expecting Bush to say anything significant for a
little while. He's waiting for news from Riyadh, just as I am.

Keith Hudson

Keith Hudson, General Editor, Handlo Music,
6 Upper Camden Place, Bath BA1 5HX, England
Tel: +44 1225 312622;  Fax: +44 1225 447727; mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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