Come on Harry,

Why are you dragging out that old Coke saw?     Advertising was what kept
Coke going when they removed Cocaine from the formula.   On the other hand
nothing would sell the new product when the psychology was screwed up by the
advertisers.    It was not the product but the marketing that was goofed on.
The same thing happens regularly on movies but would you bring out a movie
with no ads?   This argument is beneath you.   I'm disappointed.

REH (with a frown)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Harry Pollard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 8:43 PM
Subject: Re: Luckie Duckie Article

> Brian,
> Now your posts get two back for one. They must be good.
> You are quite right. It takes the best psychologists and billions of
> dollars to persuade people - which indicates to me that they aren't easy
> persuade.When they try something and like it, they will keep buying. If
> they don't like it. That mammoth advertiser Coca-Cola brought out a new
> Coke. People didn't like it and the company had to quickly revert to the
> old taste - which they called Classic.
> I find that many liberals are quite concerned about the effect of
> advertising on the Great Unwashed. They are of course quite immune to
> corporation seduction - it's those poor uneducated, unintelligent, polloi
> out there who need help.
> Of course,there was a time when liberals opposed the malefactions of the
> elite. Now, all too often, they appear to have become the elite.
> Harry
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Brian wrote:
> >Harry wrote:
> >If they buy something it's because they want to buy it.
> >
> >Hi Harry,
> >If people buy things because they want them, why do people who sell
> >things spend billions of dollars advertising? Are they afraid that
> >buyers might forget that they want their product, sevices? Why do
> >advertisers hire the best psychology grads to work for their firms? Are
> >these people more gifted at reminding people what they want? Or is the P
> >T Barnum quote at play here?
> >
> >Take care,
> >Brian
> >ps I really want to read your views on adjunct vs tenured profs but I'm
> >not willing to pay for them. I'm hoping that you will freely share them
> >like you do with the tenets of your creed: Land, Labour, Capital and
> >Wealth
> ******************************
> Harry Pollard
> Henry George School of LA
> Box 655
> Tujunga  CA  91042
> Tel: (818) 352-4141
> Fax: (818) 353-2242
> *******************************

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