
I warned Democrats not to underestimate George.

I pointed to his landslide second term election in Texas. Also, how a comparative unknown came level with an eight year Vice-President after many years of prosperity, and with a face everyone knew (important for the unknown has to spend a lot of money to make himself known.

Bush won the debates no matter his lack of experience. Even the one in which Gore was given the edge resulted in an increase for Bush in the polls.

Interesting was that Bush won Texas handily, yet both the Clinton and Gore states were lost to Bush. (In the midterms, the Democrats got them back - perhaps because Gore and Clinton weren't issues.)

But, back to Bush - who was vilified continually. The web sites were full of his misdeeds and misquotes. Democrats appeared to think that all they needed to so was jeer and Bush would be laughed off the court.

Apparently, the English papers swallowed this in copious mouthfuls. After all, wasn't Bush one of those discredited Conservatives like the bunch in the Commons?

A long time ago, I warned Democrats on this list not to underestimate Dubya. I said he was negotiator - that was his Texas reputation. He was good at yielding some in order to get most.

This has been his program while in office and he hasn't been bad at it. During this time, Democrats haven't been able to lay a glove on him. It's been frustrating for them.

At mid-term, Dubya took the risk of going on the stump. Keith should realize that savvy American politicians don't do this. Ordinary losses - expected at mid-term - become a criticism of the politician. On the other hand, Dubya pulled it off and reversed the expected trend. Looks like courage to me.

Yet, the Democrats are still issuing quotes to show how dumb he is. I asked you, Ray, where are the quotes of the last two years? I'm sure there must be some. The ones you posted came from the election period, when Dubya was being trashed at every opportunity (no doubt immediately to be printed in Britain).

The guy is good. If he has any luck in Iraq, he'll be a shoe-in in 2004.

I should know better than predict.


Ray wrote:

Clinton has said on several occasions that Bush is smarter than we think.
I thought I remembered you saying the same.   Was I wrong?   I am 61 and
memory is not what it used to be (hah).     Or have you changed your mind
about GWB's IQ?


> Ray,
> Where are the quotes from 2001 and 2002?
> Harry

Harry Pollard
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