
Actually it was little green men living on our ceilings that engineered the virus.

The trouble is that we can't see them because they are invisible.

They are probably responsible for malaria too.


Christoph wrote:

[Hmmm.... is this list about the future of work or the past of leisure..?]

On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Keith Hudson wrote:
> It is believed that epidemic intensity of Aids (unfortunately aided by a
> long gestation without obvious symptoms in the case of some adults) built
> up in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco primarily due to the
> thousands of homosexuals who congregated there in the late 70s and the
> early 80s.
> Ask any epidemiologist.
> But he or she will only answer the last question privately because, if
> answered truthfully in public, he or she is afraid of vituperation, and
> probably of his or her career curtailed

There's an even less "p-c" theory on the origins of AIDS:  That the virus
was genetically engineered (perhaps by CIA or others with links to the US
religious right wing) to "defuse" the 3rd-world "population bomb" (after all,
what could be more suitable for this than a lethal STD) -- and also to
decimate domestic faggots and hetero adulterers (both groups also on the
black list of the religious right wing). The red herring of the Haight-
Ashbury origin may have been planted by the same corner (Falwell et al.)
who even blamed 9/11 on those sinners...


Harry Pollard
Henry George School of LA
Box 655
Tujunga  CA  91042
Tel: (818) 352-4141
Fax: (818) 353-2242

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