Newsday, January 12, 2003
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Don't Hide the Truth About AIDS
By Michelangelo Signorile

       Much of the American press seemed to lurch back toward the early '80s
two weeks ago, while reporting on the death of the famed celebrity and
fashion photographer Herb Ritts.

       It was downright creepy to see a Reagan-era euphemism for AIDS pop up
as the cause of Ritts' death in obituary after obituary: "complications from
pneumonia."  The New York Times, CNN, the Los Angeles Times, the Associated
Press (in a story that ran in Newsday and many other papers) and other media
organizations quoted Ritts' publicist, also identified as a friend, who used
that term to describe what brought the openly gay photographer's life to an
end at the age of 50.

       Soon enough it was revealed in the gay press (and since has only
appeared in a few gossip columns) that Ritts had in fact been HIV-positive
for years.  His immune system had been sufficiently weakened; HIV infection
had left him unable to fight off the pneumonia.

       In other words, Herb Ritts' death was an AIDS fatality.  And the
ignorance of the truth surrounding it signals that, once again, this is a
disease that dare not speak its name.  And that silence has consequences.

       The New York Times' policy regarding obituaries – formulated in 1986,
precisely because of the problems encountered in reporting on public figures
who died of complications from AIDS – states that "the obituary of a
newsworthy public personality, of any age, should reflect energetic reporting
on the cause."

       The Associated Press doesn't have an official policy, but advises
reporters to exhaust every means available – including interviews with the
deceased's friends and family, public records and statements by doctors – to
determine the cause of a public figure's death.

       But it doesn't appear that there was any kind of "energetic reporting"
in this instance.  Most mainstream press reporters seemed to have spoken to
only one individual –- the publicist – and even then seemed to have followed
a sort of "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

       The Advocate, the national gay and lesbian newsmagazine, however, did
ask.  And, lo and behold, the very same publicist offered a fuller
explanation:  "Herb was HIV[-positive], but this particular pneumonia was not
PCP [pneumocystis pneumonia, a common opportunistic infection of AIDS].  But
at the end of the day, his immune system was compromised."  That statement
perhaps prompted the Washington Blade, the gay weekly in the nation's
capital, to rightly run with the headline, "Gay photographer Herb Ritts
succumbs to AIDS."

       It's nice to know that small pockets of the gay community might now
have the full story.  But the fact remains:  Millions of Americans, gay and
straight, still haven't a clue about what took the life of the celebrity
photographer who was himself a big supporter of AIDS causes.

       This isn't just another example of incomplete or deceptive reporting. 
It's also a tragic omission at a time when study after study shows unsafe sex
and new infections continuing to rise steeply among younger generations of
gay men, often because the realities of AIDS are abstract to them – enough to
allow them to take foolish risks.

       They are often too young to remember the AIDS deaths of celebrities,
like Rock Hudson in 1985, which jolted America and the world.  Most young gay
men also have not watched their own friends die, as was the case for gay men
of previous generations.  This is true even as many of these young men become
infected with HIV themselves and stay quiet about their illness, going on the
drug "cocktail," chained for the rest of their lives to powerful
pharmaceuticals that often have horrific side effects.

       Those drugs have thankfully saved many lives.  Ironically, they've
also driven AIDS back into the closet.  The decline of AIDS awareness in the
newsroom mirrors what has happened in society in general.  No longer are many
people with HIV walking around rail-thin and gaunt.  Many even use
testosterone as part of their therapy, building up their bodies and
developing bulging biceps, often appearing more fit than their uninfected
friends.  AIDS becomes increasingly invisible, on the streets as well as in
the media, even as HIV infection is an ever-present danger.  And clearly,
though American fatalities have decreased a great deal, HIV still kills.

       That's why the story behind the death of Herb Ritts, a man who
photographed Hollywood icons and shot music videos for youth idols such as
Jennifier Lopez and 'NSync, would go a long way.

       That is, if anybody actually heard about it.

       • Michelangelo Signorile is a former editor at The Advocate, a
national gay magazine, and author of "Queer in America" and "Life Outside."
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Futurework] The epidemic of Aids

A friend of mine was director of the Burkitt's Lymphoma tumor center in Accra Ghana in the early to mid 70's [he is now with the US Public Health Service Uniformed Officers' Corps] . After the appearance of AIDS, he went back and checked blood smears and indicates that he found HIV/AIDS evidence.  This goes to support  a theory that HIV mutated from SIV [monkey form] and lay endemic in parts of Africa until the big move to the cities where it mutated a few more times before becoming so lethal.
Bill Ward
On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 20:47:51 +0100 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christoph Reuss) writes:
> [Hmmm.... is this list about the future of work or the past of
> leisure..?]
> On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Keith Hudson wrote:
> > It is believed that epidemic intensity of Aids (unfortunately
> aided by a
> > long gestation without obvious symptoms in the case of some
> adults) built
> > up in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco primarily due
> to the
> > thousands of homosexuals who congregated there in the late 70s and
> the
> > early 80s.
> >
> > Ask any epidemiologist.
> >
> > But he or she will only answer the last question privately
> because, if
> > answered truthfully in public, he or she is afraid of
> vituperation, and
> > probably of his or her career curtailed
> There's an even less "p-c" theory on the origins of AIDS:  That the
> virus
> was genetically engineered (perhaps by CIA or others with links to
> the US
> religious right wing) to "defuse" the 3rd-world "population bomb"
> (after all,
> what could be more suitable for this than a lethal STD) -- and also
> to
> decimate domestic faggots and hetero adulterers (both groups also on
> the
> black list of the religious right wing). The red herring of the
> Haight-
> Ashbury origin may have been planted by the same corner (Falwell et
> al.)
> who even blamed 9/11 on those sinners...
> Chris
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