
You can't, which won't stop the idiots from trying.

There is no case for "total income distribution by redistributing all wealth within the graduates of a society".

If people got great wealth by earning it, no-one else has any right to it. If they got it through privilege, they have no right at all to it. But, rather than take it away, perhaps they shouldn't have had it in the first place.

Get rid of privilege. Don't let it milk us - then take some of it back.

But, that might be too radical for you, Ray.



Ray wrote:

Interesting thought.  But where do you stop?   You could make a good case
for total income distribution by redistributing all wealth within the
graduates of a society.    But, aside from the problem of waste of those not
yet ready to handle such a gift, there is also the problem of the loss of
inherited cultural heritage.    Families pass down knowledge about specific
industries through their environment.    How can you both stimulate growth,
have rescue for short term temporary situations and maintain a generational
continuity in community intellectual property?


**************************************************** Harry Pollard Henry George School of Social Science of Los Angeles Box 655 Tujunga CA 91042 Tel: (818) 352-4141 -- Fax: (818) 353-2242 http://home.attbi.com/~haledward ****************************************************

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