
The casualty rate for uranium miners is about the same as coal miners. However, far less uranium is required than coal than for same wattage.

I'm not sure how much less, but I do know that the wattage that fills one truck of uranium waste, fills 35,000 trucks with coal waste.

Oh, yes. There's more radioactivity in the coal waste than in the uranium waste, but who knows where it goes?



Lawrence wrote:

I would guess that if uranium miners are radioactive, it would be because
they inhaled radioactive particles that are embedded in their lungs. But
irradiated food does not take in any radioactive particles, as I understand
it: it just receives radiation that kills germs (I guess?) but is left
uncontaminated itself, after the exposure. E.g. when I have an x-ray, I am
not left contaminated. If I inhale a plutonium particle, I am in serious


Harry Pollard
Henry George School of Social Science of Los Angeles
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