I have worked as a computer person for over 30 yeras.

I've been around a lot of persons with real high IQs, and also
a lot of them with lots of schooling, and I have learned that
neither intelligence nor schooling comes close to
guaranteeing wisdom or even the desire to be wise (or even
some reasonably substantive notion of what
wisdom would be -- it's what gurus have...).

    Data is not information.
    Information is not knowledge.
    Knowledge is not wisdom.

Obviously, mental subnormality and organic
brain damage can cause problems like dysphasia (etc.).

But we live in Lake Woebegone; we rarely encounter
anyone who does not have an above average IQ in our
social circles.

Anyway, who knows what Schqartzkopf's I.Q. is?  Or
Bush's, for that matter?  Just because his lips
are where, as he said, words go to die, doesn't
mean he doesn't have an IQ.

\brad mccormick

Keith Hudson wrote:


At 09:03 31/08/03 -0400, you wrote:

Keith, Schwartzkopf is alive and well and based in a village in SW Colorado.
He is viewed locally as a minor celebrity and general affable good guy, sits
on the board of a couple of local charities, and gives talks to school kids
on leadership, and is the parade marshal on the 4th of July. He is probably
on several corporate boards and available for a fee for talks nationally.

Thanks -- this fits what I imagined. Likes to be a big fish in a little pond by the looks of it. Mind you, he might be ever so ever so clever and has turned down all sorts of job and consultancy opportunities with the armaments firms . . . . but somehow . . . .

At a time when America needs all the generosity of spirit we can find, I
thank you for your assessment of his numeric IQ.

That's all right. I was just doing my little bit to cheer you up.

Best wishes,


> However, although the most senior British Army officers are of 130+ IQ I
> would judge, I was not impressed by "Stormin' Norman" at the time of the
> Gulf War I. He was supposed to be a genius or something. On the basis of
> his briefings to journalists I rated him at about 120 IQ, no
> more. The fact
> that he hasn't subsequently appeared in the ranks of CEOs in
> business means
> that he probably wasn't as bright as that. Or perhaps he's a Professor in
> some third or fourth league university? He's probably raising chickens.
> I'd be fascinated to know what he's doing now. Strikes me that
> Powell isn't
> as bright as he ought to be as a Secretary of State. Not a patch on the
> previous lady. But at least he has a decent vocabulary and can get his
> words out in the right order and I think he has some decency in him. I
> would guess that Marshall was probably your last really bright
> army officer.
> Keith Hudson, 6 Upper Camden Place, Bath, England,
> <www.evolutionary-economics.org>
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