Ray Evans Harrell wrote:

There are web sites that talk about Bush's IQ and grades.   He seems clever
to me and he also is a member by birth of the political club.   I am a great
believer in family capital i..e that the family that has a long history in a
business gives their offspring an inate advantage simply by growing up
there.    I've seen it happen constantly with the people that I teach.
Often people with the higher IQs and better intellectual educations have the
ability to think through and act on something but it takes a long time, many
years, to become inate.   I witnessed this again just last week when we
auditioned many cum laudes and graduates from the finest schools.   Those
who didn't have it in their background but were extremely smart were able to
make it in good condition through the initial audition but in the
flexibility of the "call back", their intellectual knowledge, in spite of
their potential,  was simply too shallow to deal with performance.    On the
other hand we had a young artist who had grown up in the business and walked
away to go into academics and graduated in the highest levels from the best
rated school in America (but not in music) and she was rusty.    Her culture
got her through the first audition magnificently, but her skill was out of
shape and she couldn't compete inspite of her genius level academics.

I wasn't "extremely smart", and I certainly didn't have the background.
I have little doubt that had I started from higher than the bottom of a
deep pit I might have gone far.  As it is, I at least got to see the
sky, and enough native ablity to know the difference (the one is
up and the other is down).

I believe that, short of the kind of genius which can only be
stopped by something like a bullet thru the head or oxygen deprivation
for over 3 minutes followed by resuscitation, *background*
is very important.  I also think it's possible for a little
seed to flower into a strong tree -- but I can't speak
from personal experience, only extrapolation of very limited

Worst of all is to f-ck up a person's "reflexes".  I often
"put my foot in my mouth", and figure out what I should
have said/done several seconds or minutes (etc.) *after* I
needed the right reaction.  This is largely a result of having been
threatened that I loved my mother because they had done so
much for me, etc. I survived, but with keloid tissue
all thru my soul.

There is no substitute for innate gracefulness that
is able to freely flourish in life -- A
childhood not just Winnicottean but also Matissean too.

\brad mccormick

  Let your light so shine before men,
              that they may see your good works.... (Matt 5:16)

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

<![%THINK;[SGML+APL]]> Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Visit my website ==> http://www.users.cloud9.net/~bradmcc/

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