How I wish a few of us could talk in person and see if
there is any way we could communicate.

I found Ray's remarks pretty much on target and I feel
Harry is once again tilting at (with...) Robinson Crusoes.

But who knows?  Is there anyone who doesn't think we are
talking past each other?

\brad mccormick

Harry Pollard wrote:

Once again, trade is when two people exchange goods. If it's two conglomerates it doesn't change things. They trade because they will be better off after they trade.

Otherwise, why would they trade? So across the world billions of trades take place - even though you seem to believe that people are incapable of trading sensibly.

All the invisible hand suggests is that if all these transactions are to the benefit of the individuals in a community - then the community (which surely is a collection of individuals) will be better off.

Laissez Faire is simply leaving people alone to do their thing. You appear to think that an elite, an aristocracy, an intellectual nobility, is needed to tell the great unwashed how to behave.

I suppose you believe that freedom is the right to do what you are told.




The childlike faith in mechanisms that the Republicans have or profess is either idiocy or duplicity (note the Wall Street Journal's recent conversion to re-regulation for the power companies in face of the failure of the "invisible economic hand"). The "invisible hand" is the most ridiculous notion that I've seen to date . . . . . Nature isn't automatic but dynamic and Laisse Faire whether in conomics, education or the environment is an excuse for intellectual laziness and irresponsibility. You have to plan, think about the future of your grandchildren and the sustainability of the present. I see little of such thought or action in the present in any quarter. That's my experience and opinion.


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  Let your light so shine before men,
              that they may see your good works.... (Matt 5:16)

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

<![%THINK;[SGML+APL]]> Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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