Interesting synergy going on today.  This was just forwarded to me, released today, from the National Priorities Project:


Subject: NEW Cost of Iraq War and Occupation Factsheet Available


NPP Bulletin - September 23, 2003


The National Priorities Project has just released its latest Grassroots Factsheet: "Invading and Occupying Iraq: The Impact on Your State".  Go to to select your state.  You will find a breakdown of how President Bush's requested $87 billion in additional war spending could be spent instead to create more jobs in your state for school construction, affordable housing units and better roads and bridges.


The Factsheet also provides a graphic illustration of current federal spending priorities, comparing the total amount of war-related spending with spending on basic needs such as food and nutrition, the environment, housing, education, the environment, housing and veterans' benefits.



Yesterday I heard Sen. Robert Byrd (D-NC) softly lambast the Bush2 administration’s Iraq foreign policy and the false premises for it, when Ambassador Bremer appeared before the Senate to detail what the $87B would buy.  At the end of it, Sen. Pete Domenici  (R-NM) took umbrage with Byrd, saying Bremer’s presentation was 100% and brilliant.  Sen. Inouye (D- HI) then asked Bremer about the contracts being let and was told that they were all competitive.  Inouye let it go.  The lines are being drawn, guys. 


Sunday, here in Portland, there was another protest downtown against the war, a small 1,000 estimated turnout.  Just a lot of church people, apparently, calling on the US to get out of Iraq now, some of whom the paper reported were called cowards by bystanders, and one man was arrested for striking a protestor in the head with a flagpole.  Bring back any memories? 


And here Pres. Bush goes to the UN, invokes the “should” word a dozen times as in “what the UN should do”, and speaks as if addressing his domestic audience.  Well, guess what?  He was.


No wonder the conservative media corps is talking about the Clintons yet again.  Anything but the nitty gritty details about Iraq, except when you can broadcast a good news piece about Iraqi secularists who have reason for hope five years from now. 





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