
I think you discovered Iraq was a basket case because over the last few months I've been saying it is along with the evidence of the inadequate pipelines. and suchlike.

Nevertheless, let me correct my relatively innocuous statement so your feelings are unruffled.

" As I've said, what wasn't apparently realized by any of us (except Lawry and ) was that Iraq had never really recovered from the wars."

I've left a space for anyone else with ruffled feelings to insert a name. I'm nothing if not conciliatory.

I didn't have your intelligence sources, so I had to wait to see what happened when we invaded Iraq. Then I put that lack of resistance together with my earlier listing of the parlous state of the pipelines on which depends the economy of Iraq. I'm sure you remember that - even though you already knew it.

I said on April 8th of this year:

"I think that Iraq is simply a sad case. I suspect that there a breakdown in
civil authority long before we arrived. That behind the facade of Hussein's
Palaces, large military formations, and a major capital city was an
economic and societal basket case."

"It reminds me of the German Blitzkrieg. The poilus were brave enough, but
when they were walking toward the German tanks, their Generals seemed to be
out to lunch."

"I get the same impression about Iraq."

You probably missed it. But then you knew it already. I just don't recall you telling us.



Lawrence wrote:

Harry Pollard:
> As I've said, what wasn't apparently realized by any of us was that Iraq
> had never really recovered from the wars. I've called it a basket
> case with > evidence of the broken and ineffective pipe-lines and the lack of general
> resistance to the invasion.
> Sadaam seemed no longer to have the will to run the country,
> never mind set > up WMD.

"Any of us"?  To the contrary many, of "us" were saying precisely this (and
more) before the invasion of Iraq.  Harry, you yourself have been
particularly unable to assimilate things we have been telling you that do
not jibe with your certainties. If you had listened, nothing --
nothing --that is happening with regard to Iraq (or Palestine, for that
matter) would now come as a surprise to you.  Please speak for yourself when
you state what "we" realized or didn't realize.  And I am glad that you now
are seeing some things a bit differently.


Harry Pollard
Henry George School of Social Science of Los Angeles
Box 655   Tujunga   CA   91042
Tel: (818) 352-4141  --  Fax: (818) 353-2242

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