there may be a relationship between the two

-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Evans Harrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 1:56 PM
To: Cordell, Arthur: ECOM; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject: Re: [Futurework] Too much demand for oil

Or personal morality.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 10:32 AM
Subject: RE: [Futurework] Too much demand for oil

> Would just add one thing.  At a quarter of a tank and with no gas stations
> in sight you either look at other cars as a source of gas or as a source
> a possible ride---depending on the state of social cohesion.
> arthur
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Lunde [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 2, 2003 2:54 PM
> Subject: Re: [Futurework] Too much demand for oil
> Hi Keith:
> I followed oil and gas for a couple of years which does not make me an
> expert - still one small metaphor made brilliant sense to me.
> When your car is full of gas, there is no need to be concerned about where
> you drive.  When the gas gauge shows half a tank, there is a nudge from
> memory to be aware and start looking for a fill-up.  If the gauge gets
> to one quarter, the prudent driver makes a serious effort to get gas -
> know when you are going to be stuck in a traffic jam.  From the one
> position to empty is a state of increasing anxiety and the driver may find
> himself interrupting his trip and increasing his expenses to find a
> station.
> Now in the world of reserves, my best info is we passed the halfway mark
> around the year 2000.  Even though there may still be plenty of oil, there
> is a physics exchange in how much energy can you expend to get energy.
> of this energy will take more energy to get the oil leading to a net
loss -
> obviously uneconomical.  The current political situation of GWB, in my
> opinion is the realization that we have passed the halfway mark and he is
> looking for a gas station to top up his tank - i.e. Iraq.  However it is
> costing him more energy than anticipated which means his tank is moving
> to the one quarter mark - crisis.
> Once the general populace becomes aware that we are below the one half
> mark, there will start to be panic which will make the owning and control
> oil and gas the maximum currency for power.  GWB is determined not to let
> that power opportunity go to anyone else - hence his frantic efforts to
> Iraq and Afganistan.  His problem is he is spending his reserves in the
> hopes of refilling the tank.  It is a curve with a time element and if it
> costs to much to secure the new energy, he will be bankrupt before he
> achieves his goals.
> As to the rest of us - go suck a lemon.  The trickle down theory will
> the dominant model and if you are not where the trickle is - freeze,
> and die.
> Some thoughts.
> Respectfully,
> Thomas Lunde
> ----------
> >From: Keith Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: [Futurework] Too much demand for oil
> >Date: Thu, Oct 2, 2003, 11:40 AM
> >
> > When oil and gas production peaks -- in about 10 years' time and
> > according to a recent study -- then there won't be a sudden collapse in
> > supply. It will be a long, slow decline lasting, maybe, another century
> > more. But that's not really the issue, as is pointed out below. It is
> > the demand will still be growing steeply and exceeding any amount that
> > world's resources can supply. Hopefully, American and European trade
> > integrate even more closely with China than now, or else I can envisage
> > America and China coming to blows in ten years or so.
> >
> > Keith Hudson
> >
> > <<<<
> >
> > Charles Arthur
> >
> > World oil and gas supplies are heading for a "production crunch"
> > between -- 2010 and 2020 when they cannot meet supply, because global
> > reserves are 80 per cent smaller than had been thought, new forecasts
> suggest.
> >
> > Research presented this week at the University of Uppsala in Sweden
> > that oil supplies will peak soon after 2010, and gas supplies not long
> > afterwards, making the price of petrol and other fuels rocket, with
> > potentially disastrous economic consequences unless people have moved to
> > alternatives to fossil fuels.
> >
> > While forecasters have always known that such a date lies ahead, they
> > previously put it around 2050, and estimated that there would be time to
> > shift energy use over to renewables and other non-fossil sources.
> >
> > But Kjell Aleklett, one of a team of geologists that prepared the
> > said earlier estimates that the world's entire reserve amounts to 18,000
> > billion barrels of oil and gas -- of which about 1,000 billion has been
> > used up so far -- were "completely unrealistic". He, Anders Sivertsson
> > Colin Campbell told New Scientist magazine that less than 3,500 billion
> > barrels of oil and gas remained in total.
> >
> > Dr James McKenzie, senior assistant on the climate change programme at
> > World Resources Institute in Washington, said: "We won't run out of
oil --
> > but what will happen is that production will decline, and that's when
> > hell will break loose."
> >
> > Present annual oil consumption is about 25 billion barrels, and shows no
> > signs of slowing. That would suggest a "production crunch" -- where
> > consumption grows to meet the maximum output -- within the next couple
> > decades.
> >
> > Dr McKenzie said that on this topic the argument split between
> > and geologists. "The economists think it will just force the price of
> > up, which will mean it will become economic to extract it from all sorts
> of
> > unusual places, such as tarry sands or deposits which are 90 per cent
> > and 10 per cent oil. But the geologists say "You tell us where the
> deposits
> > are and we'll find them. We've looked and we can't."
> >
> > One side-effect of having lower oil reserves might be that the worst
> > predictions of climate change would be forestalled -- because there
> > be less fuel to bum, and therefore less carbon dioxide, the greenhouse
> gas,
> > produced.
> >
> > The Uppsala team's estimates are lower than any considered by the
> > International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), whose minimum estiimate
> > the total reserves was 5,000 billion barrels.
> >
> > But Nebojsa Nakicenovic, an energy economist at the University of'Vienna
> in
> > Austria, who headed the IPCC team that produced the reserves forecasts,
> > said the Swedish group were "conservative", and that his team had taken
> > into account a wider range of estimates. Dr Nakicenovic added that, if
> > and gas began to run out, "there's a huge amount of coal underground
> > could be exploited".
> >
> > Dr McKenzie said: "We have to accept the fact of oil and gas production
> > peaking, and get concerned with substitutes. It's not when will we run
> out,
> > it's when will production be unable to meet demand.
> >
> > "And 97 or 98 per cent of transport depends on it. You can use coal to
> make
> > methanol to power your cars or buses. But the reality is that it's all
> > about where the oil is."
> >
> > The Gulf countries -- Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,
> and
> > the United Arab Emirates -- produce about 25 per cent of the world's oil
> at
> > the moment, and hold 65 per cent of the world's oil reserves.
> >
> > "That's why we went to war in Iraq," said Dr McKenzie. "Gas might have
> > comparable reserves to oil, but it's not in the right place and we don't
> > really have the infrastructure to transport it."
> >  >>>>
> > Independent 2 October 2003
> >
> >
> > Keith Hudson, Bath, England, <>,
> > <>, <>
> >
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> > Futurework mailing list
> >
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