We once had a wonderful Hispanic Chancellor of the NYCity School System who
did a great job.   He wrote a book about how he had experimented with drugs
in his twenties.   He was gone in about two minutes.   I happen to agree
with Harry about Arnie's past.   What I don't know is whether Arnie is just
another Republican mediocrity who wouldn't know the C major scale if it bit
him.   I live in New York and so I trust that someone else in California can
judge whether Harry is true or false.   But the charges against Arnie's
sexual adventures are probably much greater and much less significant in the
long term.   Is the man intelligent?   I haven't seen it yet.   Is he
shallow and scripted, most definitely.   Can he compare to the GD?   Who
knows but it cost California a lot of money that they claim not to have
meanwhile Republicans in Texas who stole California blind are still rich.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Harry Pollard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Keith Hudson"
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 8:10 PM
Subject: [Futurework] British swallowing of political propaganda

> Hi!
> I have remarked before how the Brit papers  - even the good ones -grab
> of American political propaganda and naively swallow it whole - or, more
> probably, cynically regard it as a good way to sell papers.
> I get "Snowmail" from Britain's Channel 4 giving a preview of the night's
> evening news.  This is the one I got today.
> ----------------------------------------------
> Arnie's Hitler admiration denied:
> =================================
> The increasingly revolting stories of Arnold Schwarzenegger and molesting
> women have now been capped by the would-be governor of California's
> reported devotion to Adolph Hitler, which he denies. Is there no limit?
> Jonathan Rugman is finding out.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> The recall election will happen in four days.
> At the moment it looks as if our inept Governor will be chucked out -- and
> the sooner the better. Arnold Schwarzenegger looks a shoe-in to be our
> Governor.
> So, out comes the last desperate effort of the Democrats. Smear, smear,
> smear! The pro-Democrat Los Angeles Times put together a team of reporters
> to find the filth - and they found it.
> They actually found six women in the last 30 years who claimed that Arnold
> had touched them. Four remained anonymous. Of the two who claimed their
> fifteen minutes of fame, one went back to 1975 for Snow's "increasingly
> revolting stories".
> Apparently, back in the seventies, the behavior was pretty loose. As one
> highly placed Democrat said "everybody groped everybody". I think that
> Arnold, in his twenties, acted like, well, someone in his twenties on a
> movie set.
> Now, he is 28 years older, is wedded into the Kennedy clan, has two
> children and apparently a great marriage. But, hey - in 1975, he allegedly
> touched a woman's breast. Wow!
> Sure is one of Snow's "increasingly revolting stories".
> As Schwarzenegger said to hundreds of supporters in San Diego. "So, I want
> to say to you, yes, I have behaved badly sometimes.  Yes, it is true that
> was on rowdy movie sets, and I've done things that were not right, which
> things I thought then was playful."
> Bah! But, perhaps Channel 4 will pick up some more viewers.
> As is the bit about Arnie's "devotion to Adolph Hitler". What happened is
> that in an interview Arnold admired Hitler's oratorical ability - but
> didn't like the use to which he put it.  That's all.
> So, let's argue whether or not Hitler was a  tremendous orator.
> Harry
> ****************************************************
> Harry Pollard
> Henry George School of Social Science of Los Angeles
> Box 655   Tujunga   CA   91042
> Tel: (818) 352-4141  --  Fax: (818) 353-2242
> http://home.comcast.net/~haledward
> ****************************************************


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