I happen to agree that Arnold is paying for a sordid past that has nothing to do with his current career goals, though he should have known from all the others before him that this would surface (ie. just in the last ten years - Bob Packwood, Bob Livingston, Bill Clinton, and the OTHER California Congressman allegedly involved with an intern, etc).  He could have preempted this long ago, but may have chosen to let them attack him and go for the sympathy factor. 

From what I read before Arnold announced he was a candidate, the tabloids had stories already researched about his past behavior and were waiting until he declared his candidacy to unleash them.  No one should be surprised that a body builder and movie star would have some skeletons in his closet, regardless of how inspiring his story may be and how much he loves this country now. 

Arnold's father belonged to the Nazi party and besides admiring Hitler for being a short guy who succeeded and gave good speeches, he has said he loves Kurt Waldheim.  A more serious allegation, and one that suggests the media uproar about bad boy behavior in the past is a deliberate detour, is made in the attached expose.  It links Arnold to the Enron culprits who engineered the energy crises on California and an alleged reason for the California recall.  You be the judge. 

The trouble is, Arnold’s best qualifications seem to be his celebrity and wealth.  Maybe Californians should ask the people of Minnesota what they think of a former wrestler named Jesse after living with him as Governor for four years.  Arnold's wife gave a valiant speech defending him as an international figure with name recognition but that only reinforces an image, not what he can or intends to do.  Governors are more than salesmen for their state.  They can make executive decisions, such as the ones Palast’s expose proposes.

I don't think the recall bodes well for electoral democracy and oppose it on those grounds.  Please remember, I live in Oregon, which has been subjected to many suspect initiatives financed by hidden out of state backers who had a vested interest without living with the consequences. – KWC 

Attachment: PALAST Arnold Unplugged 100303.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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