Keith Hudson wrote:
> So what should the evolutionary economist say to all this? He would say:
> "Pay attention to what anthropologists and evolutionary psychologists would
> say". Were they to be asked, they would say that it is impossible to
> associate such different cultures as the Kurds, the Sunni Muslims and the
> Shia Muslims all together in one nation-state unless you oppress them
> mightily, and even then continue oppression for at least two or three
> generations -- as indeed the English did in the case of the Welsh and the
> Scots

But that's exactly what Britain did in Iraq in 1920 !
Britain *created* Iraq by taking these 3 provinces (Mosul,
Baghdad and Basra, corresponding to Kurds, Sunnis and Shias)
out of the Ottoman empire and cramming them together into 1
nation state -- Iraq.

So the problem was created by Britain in the first place -- the
same Britain that now plays the "problem-solver".

Similar "game" with Kuwait:  Separated by Britain in 1899 as a
protectorate (previously part of the Ottoman empire) just in order to
control its rich oil resources and take advantage of its strategic
position (sea access).  This "mistake" later caused Iraq to "take back"
Kuwait (after the U$ assured Saddam it would look the other way),
in turn serving as a pretext for the anglo invasion in 1990.

By drawing arbitrary borders throughout history and the planet,
Britain planted the seeds for most of present-day wars, ensuring
a never-ending demand for its oversized arms exports and ever-new
imperial adventures in which the problem-creator poses as
problem-solver.  And history-illiterate lemmings don't even
see thru that hypocritical game.


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