Arthur et al, attached is a message that arrived moments ago in my Inbox, as an example of the real time factor being utilized effectively.  It is a follow-up email to one several days ago which introduced the planned event, with link to a oversized blank check one could print up and scribble a personal message to hand deliver in the local offices of one’s elected representatives, while they are at home on a week’s recess.


This is efficient event planning, management and staging.  It has impact, not just by getting more people involved, but in the offices and in the heads of those officials who receive this much attention and feedback.  For all the cynicism, most elected officials are glad to hear from their constituents and respond almost universally in the best manner intended. 


This has already played out in several votes in the current Congressional session, as swing voters (especially) were swamped with emails, faxes, voice messages and personal appearances by their constituents. 


Again, conservatives have been doing this for years, and in fact many events were underhanded.  Think Georgia in 2002. 


Campaign and election fraud have been around forever; hopefully, we will do better fixing the problems in the Information Age and not let technology intimidate or be abused. - KWC



Representative democracy made a lot of sense when citizens needed to be represented in the capital.  Travel time could be days or weeks.  And it was costly.


Now with the Web citizens can represent themselves in real time.  Government will have to get in front of this and begin to figure out ways to have online referenda in a measured way.  Yes, it might diminish the power of the elected officials, but by getting out in front of this it may be the only way they can maintain their power.




Attachment: MoveOn Email 100903.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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