. My complaint about male homosexualtiy is not so much that it exists but that because it has reached such a large and substantial proportion of the population it becomes rationalised as "natural" when, in fact, because an adolescent ambivalent boy is sucked into such a largish sub-culture he becomes increasingly trapped (as Harry mentioned yesterday). The result of all this is that, today, (compared with the previous examples) the boy never grows up to have hetrosexual experience nor the jopys of long-term hetero relationships.
I agree with this. This would apply to all sorts of things that kids feel or see about them but don't see as "normal." Once they are seen as "natural" then they say "why not try it out..." This could apply to car theft, heroin or whatever.

May I append some "whatevers"?  Being an employee doing meaningless
work in a big depersonalized organization?  Being a student who
shapes his or her future by their school grades, SATs, etc.?
Being a housewife?  Being a go-get-em salesperson?  Getting married
and having more children than one can afford (or perhaps would
really want...), and getting mired in debt etc.?  Note that
none of these things is illegal.  Then there are the high-end
car-thieves like Mr. Fastow of ENRON fame, who may also be
addicted to the drug *power* (I think it is not so important that
some fo them also "take drugs")....

I "feel" that there would be a lot less homosexuality - and,
far more important: far fewer perversions!!! --
if each person was raised from
infancy in an environment that straightforwardly nurtured
their sexuality instead of repressing and trying to
"sublimate" it.  It at least seems an experiment worth
trying.  If man is by nature a curious animal, etc.,
then I would expect libidinally satisfied individuals
to be productive and creative - gracefully, instead of
with an admixture of fear and guilt, etc.  And let
young persons discover their homosexual desires (insofar
as they may have any) in decorous social intercourse,
rather than in the LOCKER ROOM...

\brad mccormick

  Let your light so shine before men,
              that they may see your good works.... (Matt 5:16)

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

<![%THINK;[SGML+APL]]> Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Visit my website ==> http://www.users.cloud9.net/~bradmcc/

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