
Its been my experience that Bureaucrats do better than normal in the private
sector.   You have not explained to me how jobs that are necessary but
unable to generate income due to free riding by the consumer can sustain
themselves.   On the other hand the private sector is good at exploitation
period.  They are terrible at healthcare, education, religion would be
fascism under the private sector and arts and entertainment are cheap
thrills and shallowness.   So you have not explained an overall system where
all of the human needs both physical, emotional, cultural and spiritual are
met in your society.    But to constantly knock people working for the
government ignores the fact that most jobs are useless and have little
meaning other than to move money around and keep people off of the streets.
In the case of this government you can add "helping your friends and
economic class" to the purpose of government money.

Ray Evans Harrell

----- Original Message -----
From: "Harry Pollard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 9:23 PM
Subject: RE: [Futurework] E.European Women discover the Joys of Free Trade

> Arthur,
> I'm not an anarchist.
> But whenever the joys of government are discussed, they revolve
> around police, ambulances, and fire. Oh, yes, and education.
> I rather think that money for police, ambulances, fire, and
> education, comes from what's left after the bureaucracies have
> been fed. As I mentioned in a previous post, the last time more
> money was asked for education by a bond vote, they stressed that
> the money would be spent only in the classrooms. Does that tell
> you something? They know that the voters no longer trust them to
> use the money properly, so this time they promised they would.
> Didn't do them any good. The bond failed anyway.
> It seems that my mention of 1,400 laws passed in Sacramento in
> one year made no impression on you. At least the 75,000 pages of
> the US Federal Register doesn't apply to you - but I know you
> wish they did. I wonder how many pages there are in the Canadian
> equivalent that lists all the regulations without which you would
> feel so alone and unprotected.
> However, most interesting is your thought that without
> government, we wouldn't have police and fire protection - and
> probably no education. It implies we are a bunch of ignoramuses -
> helpless without government to hold our hands and lead the way.
> Will Rogers said 'Thank God we don't get all the government we
> pay for' but now I fear we do.
> Harry
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 9:25 AM
> Subject: RE: [Futurework] E.European Women discover the Joys of
> Free Trade
> Seems like you have no need for government at all.
> Perhaps we can remove your name and address from 911 computers to
> free up space for someone who might rely on some agency of govt.
> (police, ambulance or fire).
> Arthur
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