Harry said:
If each member of a community is better off, is it difficult to concede that the community (of people) is better off?
Because wealthy communities don't necessarily do good things.  Good works and great civilization is what seduced me from the pleasures of the wilderness, not the simply middle class values of making a living and breeding.    
Ray didn't like "better off" (def: In a more fortunate or prosperous condition). I have no idea why.
Because per capita, the wealthy are no more useful to the community than anyone else.   Their children use up more and do, relative to their opportunity,  less.   
But, my humility is exceeded only by my infinite patience. For the umpteenth time, free trade and the free market do not establish justice.
I agree with that.
Free trade enables us to make a bigger pie with the same exertion. Protective tariffs reduce the size of the pie and force us into using more exertion for less return.
I have never argued against trade anymore than I argue against sex.   But there are good things to be developed and barbarous things as well.   I would never argue that untrammeled sex is the best alternative, would you?    Systems tend to act alike.   Untrammeled sex tends to create disease as it also doesn't encourage great effort.   Untrammeled markets tend to create chaos and end in class stratification.   The societies are filthy and the lower classes are poor and powerless.    Because it is easier to do that than to maintain equality.  
The moment you have inheritance you have inequality and yet without inheritance you have no basis for capital.   Traditional economic culture creates skill at the market.   Skill creates inequality and the desire to corner intellectual capital.  
Then you need laws and the simplicity of privilege as you call it.   But without laws you have either the inequality of inherited capital or the equality of ignorance.     It makes no sense and is as foolish as the belief that external motivation is more than just "social engineering" on a crude level.   If you are against social engineering and for equality then you have to be willing to build internal motivation and some other way to build skill and craft other than private inheritance.   In short you have to build a moral base and a real society.    But reality is in short supply.   Real societies take a long time and more than just theory and limited logic.
This is why goods are so expensive in socialist systems - or modern capitalistic systems which in many ways are similar.
Your correct about both of their Messianic zeals but capitalism doesn't build the greatest education for the greatest number.  Communism did that in the old Soviet Union.   They were both miserable at each other's strengths.    Communism was less externally motivated and thus less good at distribution which requires such.   They would have done the education without competition from the Capitalists but the reverse is probably not true.   I think that the capitalists are so externally motivated that they have to have enemies or they simply can't function.    
The musicians and technologists from the Soviet Union who have come here are more internally motivated than capitalist Americans and more logical as are most immigrants.   Immigrants don't have the baggage of dealing with having been abandoned by this society and taught a myth that is dysfunctional.    Immigrants are free to improvise without cultural restraints and can take the laws at simple face value.   Americans have many internal "laws" that don't work and are self-alienating.   Immigrants don't even know they exist and so are not bothered by them.  That is the root of all of that psycho-analysis that only now is beginning to be necessary in Europe as they become more Americanized.    That is the primary thesis of the book "Culture Matters" meaning that it is inhibiting of real business practices that are amoral to this deep morality.  
The US has somewhere near 9,000 tariffs, a slew of import quotas and vicious anti-dumping legislation.
I'll never forget that another Messiah-nic soul Ronald Reagan, was going to fix the IRS.   When he was through he had made such a mess that my taxes went up as did all of my expenses while the wealthy taxes went down as did their responsibility for the culture of the country.   A responsibility they had pushed and contracted for in 1883 with the advent of the Railroads and the time zones as well as the organizing principles of separating the elite art from the riff raff.   (Their words).    Today the same people are going to fix my medical bills.   But you watch.  They will make money and I will pay more.    That is capitalism today.   And it has nothing to do with tariffs.   See how little Wall Street cares about the homeless.   Their stuff is going up so things are "getting better."    Unless it gets better for all it is not getting better and that is my rule.
If you removed all of those  tariffs and quotas and nothing good came of it, would you be willing to go to jail for being wrong?    How about making your family repay what was lost?     Now THAT would be integrity and belief in yourself.   Take a risk.   Risk your house and freedom. 

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