
On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Ray Evans Harrell wrote:

> "To keep your job
> in this new world, you'd better be doing something that benefits from a
> digitized economy." (Fortune.com 4 Dec 2003)

Everything digitized in this economy is digitized according to rules or
algorithms. So why not use those rules to digitize the digitization?

In "Karl Moore's Visual Basic .NET: The Tutorials" (APress, 2002) we read
"Not everything in life is easy ... But some things definitely are. Like

The proof would be to put those tutorials online in a .NET expert system
teaching program, ie a program which TEACHES Microsoft's .NET without
requiring further human help. How about it Karl?

And why not just keep going and teach the complete range of programming
languages for which .NET serves as editor/compiler beyond Visual Basic?
(Maybe .NET upgrades in future years will even extend those languages).


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