> Perhaps you know little about the Aztecs.   They loved their children.   Had
> no crime rate and had the first public schools in the world.   They were
> fierce to their enemies and proud of their nation.    Their cities were the
> most beautiful in the world according to Cortez and his men and they were
> the world's greatest farmers.    They were great singers and poets.  Etc.
Ah, but God was not on their side!  as told in Patricia de Fuentes, ed. and trans., The Conquistadors. First Person Accounts of the Conquest of Mexico, 159.

"… Cortés … After occupying Tenochtitlán (Mexico City) … he and his troops had to fight their way out of the city to sanctuary …. Years later … a former follower of Cortés who had become a Dominician friar, recalled the terrible retreat …. "When the Christians were exhausted from war, God saw fit to send the Indians smallpox, and there was a great pestilence in the city. . . ."


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ray Evans Harrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Christoph Reuss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Futurework] FT PR vs. Historical Facts

> Perhaps you know little about the Aztecs.   They loved their children.   Had
> no crime rate and had the first public schools in the world.   They were
> fierce to their enemies and proud of their nation.    Their cities were the
> most beautiful in the world according to Cortez and his men and they were
> the world's greatest farmers.    They were great singers and poets.   They
> chose the direct method to human sacrifice rather than creating situations
> where people were worked to death or allowed to die to satisfy an invisible
> hand.   You didn't screw around with them and they had public works projects
> for the poor and free food along the road planted every year for the poor
> and in case of drought.   They also had the most efficient sewage system on
> the planet when Europe was killing itself in filth and plague and the
> world's largest city at the time.     With every man woman and child sick
> from the Smallpox they still fought the Spanirds to a standstill and did not
> give up the city until there was no more city.    I don't find them
> particularly more violent than senators who would vote to raise the speed
> limit in a highway system that would kill 10,000 more people a year just to
> satisfy the Green God.  In fact their sacrifices were organized.  One a day.
> That is 365.   And no accident lottery to blame it on God.  They took
> responsibility.    Of course it was brutal and had nothing to do with
> justice but frighteningly little in this society has to do with justice
> either, when it comes to who lives and who dies.    Nothing is just about
> environmentally caused cancer or heart disease caused by pollution or brain
> tumors caused by lead.   The Gods of industry won't produce without their
> kill off of human souls.  Today they even threaten the planet with their
> environmental chaos.   Europeans spoke in terms of the deaths of thousands
> when the Aztecs fought wars of roses for captives to sacrifice the one or
> two a day.   Death is death and numbers are numbers.    Everything else is
> just excuses.   So if you don't like the Aztecs.  Sorry, I though I was
> making a compliment.    Perhaps you don't like that they were religious
> fundamentalists?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Christoph Reuss" <
> To: <
> Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 10:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [Futurework] FT PR vs. Historical Facts
> > REH wrote:
> > > I suspect Hitler would have
> > > found his equivelent of Vietnam had he invaded that mountain country
> filled
> > > with violent people just itching to protect their homes.   They kind of
> >        ^^^^^^^
> > > remind me of the Aztecs who destroyed their own homes and left nothing
> for
> > > Cortez the brute.                           ^^^^^^^^^
> >
> > As I tried to explain long ago, there's a difference between violence and
> > defense.  With violent people, you can't let everyone have his army
> > assault rifle at home, or it would be one big crime wave.  In the same
> > sense, your comparison with Aztecs is also way off the mark.
> >
> > Chris
> >
> >
> >
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