On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 03:39:45PM +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> We don't seem to have the png or colorset support in FvwmBanner.
> So if a logo with an alpha channel wins, we will not be able to show it
> as nicely as we could with such support.
> Is it hard to add the colorset or png support to FvwmBanner?

Probably not difficult.  Keep in mind that if the image comes from
a colöour set, the reserved space is not freed when the banner
> Additionally, I would like to have the following in FvwmBanner.
>   * add the logo that we have right now on the web like Dan suggested
>   * add options -0 and -c --colorful, -r --reduced, -m --mono that mean:
>      -c - use colorful banner (from the web, will be the default for now)
>      -r - use up to 20 colors banner (it is used in FvwmBanner right now)
>      -m - use b&w xbm banner (it is used right now if needed)
>   * when we have a winner logo, we will add option -1 (the new default),
>     we may also add more nice logos in the future (options -2, -3 etc)
> For each built-in logo, 3 images are supplied. If color options are not
> specified, then -c is used on good video, falling to -r on 8bpp, and to
> -m on 1bpp.
> Is this acceptable?

Only if the various logos can be downloaded separately.  We don't
want to distribute 3x3 or even more images in the tarball.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^
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