
Something strange is happening since a few days.

There has been some movement in the CVS lately so I did not want to
report this too soon in case it was something that was momentarily
broken or something like that.

I have one FvwmButtons in the right side of the screen, when I start
(or restart, it doesn't make a difference), the FvwmButtons instance
loads ok, almost instantly, as it always did. The stuff that will go
swallowed on it can also be seen lying around the left upper corner
until it gets embedded into the panel. That is ok.

But for some reason, even if the panel loads instantly, the pointer
shows a busy state and the window decorations doesn't load until
that goes away. That can be from 1 to 2 minutes. The cpu is totally
iddle, and the memory doesn't show a significant hit during that

You could say that the problem is elsewhere, not in the FvwmButtons.
I could also say that, if it wasn't because I have tested this minimal
configuration, and the same thing happens:

DestroyModuleConfig foo: *
*FvwmTaskbar: Frame 1
*FvwmTaskbar: Colorset 6
*FvwmTaskbar: Rows 1
*FvwmTaskbar: Columns 1
*FvwmTaskbar: (1x1, Title foo)
Module FvwmButtons -g 100x100-0+0 foo

I name this ~/.fvwm/config, and restart fvwm. I can see foo in the right
upper corner, but the cursor hangs for over a minute or even more some
times. After that, it just goes to normal state, the window decos appear
and I can click anywhere to get the nice fvwm default menu.

No patches, no-thing, just current cvs, on amd64.

# fvwm -version
fvwm 2.5.22 (from cvs) compiled on Aug  8 2007 at 03:01:47
with support for: ReadLine, XPM, PNG, Shape, XShm, SM, XRender, XCursor, XFT, 

The only strange things are amd64, gcc-4.2 and glibc-2.6.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? It's getting a bit annoying
the fact that I have to wait a couple of minutes to go from console to

Jesús Guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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