On 8/8/07, Jesús Guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Something strange is happening since a few days.
> There has been some movement in the CVS lately so I did not want to
> report this too soon in case it was something that was momentarily
> broken or something like that.
> I have one FvwmButtons in the right side of the screen, when I start
> (or restart, it doesn't make a difference), the FvwmButtons instance
> loads ok, almost instantly, as it always did. The stuff that will go
> swallowed on it can also be seen lying around the left upper corner
> until it gets embedded into the panel. That is ok.
> But for some reason, even if the panel loads instantly, the pointer
> shows a busy state and the window decorations doesn't load until
> that goes away. That can be from 1 to 2 minutes. The cpu is totally
> iddle, and the memory doesn't show a significant hit during that
> time.
> You could say that the problem is elsewhere, not in the FvwmButtons.
> I could also say that, if it wasn't because I have tested this minimal
> configuration, and the same thing happens:
> =========================
> DestroyModuleConfig foo: *
> *FvwmTaskbar: Frame 1
> *FvwmTaskbar: Colorset 6
> *FvwmTaskbar: Rows 1
> *FvwmTaskbar: Columns 1
> *FvwmTaskbar: (1x1, Title foo)
> Module FvwmButtons -g 100x100-0+0 foo
> =========================
> I name this ~/.fvwm/config, and restart fvwm. I can see foo in the right
> upper corner, but the cursor hangs for over a minute or even more some
> times. After that, it just goes to normal state, the window decos appear
> and I can click anywhere to get the nice fvwm default menu.
> No patches, no-thing, just current cvs, on amd64.
> =========================
> # fvwm -version
> fvwm 2.5.22 (from cvs) compiled on Aug  8 2007 at 03:01:47
> with support for: ReadLine, XPM, PNG, Shape, XShm, SM, XRender, XCursor, XFT, 
> =========================
> The only strange things are amd64, gcc-4.2 and glibc-2.6.
> Has anyone else experienced this issue? It's getting a bit annoying
> the fact that I have to wait a couple of minutes to go from console to
> X.


I managed to reproduce this with this minimal config:

*FvwmButtons: Frame 1
*FvwmButtons: Colorset 6
*FvwmButtons: Rows 1
*FvwmButtons: Columns 1
*FvwmButtons: (1x1, Title foo)
Module FvwmButtons -g 100x100-0+0

It seems that fvwm is hanging at the select() call in My_XNextEvent,
and I'm not sure why.. I'm leaving tomorrow morning for holidays and
only returnl next saturday, so I can only fiddle with it now.. And
it's getting late for bed :)

Can you please specify when this started to happen? It would help
identifying the change that led to the bug..

Well, I guess no release until we get this sorted out..

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