On Fri, Aug 17, 2007 at 06:13:49PM +0200, Viktor Griph wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Aug 2007, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> >On Fri, Aug 17, 2007 at 05:26:30PM +0200, Viktor Griph wrote:
> >>On Fri, 17 Aug 2007, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> >>>Yes.  I'm now looking at the issues brought up by requiring sed,
> >>>perl and tbl for building the docs.
> >>
> >>So, is everything ready for release?
> >
> >And is it really helpful to have tables in the man page?  What's
> >the benefit of
> Other than the table with visuals and depth info I  don't really see any 
> use for them. I've been changing <informaltable> to >variablelist> in 
> several places already.
> >
> >           +--------------------------+----------------------------+
> >           |  Formatting Directive    | Description                |
> >           +--------------------------+----------------------------+
> >           |%l, %c & %r               | Insert the next item       |
> >           |                          | label.  Up to three labels |
> >           |                          | can be used.  The item     |
> >           |                          | column is left-aligned     |
> >           |                          | (%l), centered (%c) or     |
> >           |                          | right-aligned (%r).        |
> >           +--------------------------+----------------------------+
> >           |%i                        | Inserts the mini icon.     |
> >
> >over
> >
> >       %l, %c, %r
> >           Insert the next item label.  Up to three labels can be
> >           used.  The item column is left-aligned (%l), centered
> >           (%c) or right-aligned (%r).
> >       %i
> >           Inserts the mini icon.
> >
> >I find the table harder to read, but t's easier to find an entry
> >you are looking for.  It is also very uncommon to have man pages
> >with ASCII tables.
> I also find the variablelist better than tables for describing meaning of 
> certain directives. They use the space more efficient and they don't have 
> an ugly frame.

Can you eliminate the use of tables then?  I think we just have a
couple of them.

> Speaking of the depth/visual table: Sholud it really read
>       Note that if you use a private color map (i.e., fvwm is started
>       with the -C or the -I options), then others defaults are used.
>                                                ^^^
> ? I'm not a master of Engish grammar, but that s looks bad to me.

That's a typo.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

Dominik Vogt, dominik.vogt (at) gmx.de

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