On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 09:06:42PM +0100, John Latham wrote:
> > > So, here's a list of modules I wish to see deprecated, with reasons why:
> > >
> > > * FvwmCommand
> > > * FvwmConsole
> > 
> > These two are the only ones on the list I really care about, I use
> > FvwmCommand in my Emacs mode to just execute parts of my config
> > without having to copy/paste to FvwmConsole. But a more direct means
> > to access Fvwm without having to keep the terminal's shortcomings
> > (thinking mainly about maximum command length here) in mind would be
> > even more welcome.
> > 
> > Either way, just a heads up to make sure FvwmCommand isn't brushed
> > aside as being unused :)
> My interpretation was that Thomas is aware these are used, hence the `wait
> until there is a replacment' intention. But you've now made me wonder so,...
> ;-)

Yes -- there is nothing to be worrying about.

> Thomas: I use FvwmCommand alot. E.g. in my pdf lecture slides I can click on a
> `button' which invokes a shell script, that uses FvwmCommand to change
> desktop, sets up windows for a demo; waits for those windows to be closed and
> uses FvwmCommand again to put me back on the desk where acroread is running.

It's perfectly simple:  FvwmCommand goes away along with FvwmCommandS.
FvwmConsole becomes a wrapper around something to talk to a domain socket,
which itself will become FvwmCommand.  Hence to get FvwmConsole's equivalent
functionality it will be launchable from a terminal and still have readline
support, etc.

But please -- can we just stop worrying about this?  This has bugger all to
do with my original email and it annoys me this has even come up as an issue
when I've already stated that it's on my list of things to do, but until I
write the required components, it's all moot [1]

-- Thomas Adam

[1]  This isn't directed at just you, John, but everyone else who has has a
worrying fit about this.

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