On 16 July 2012 15:37, Thomas Funk <t.funk...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> 2012/7/16 Dan Espen <des...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> The code to generate all menus looks like it needs work.
>> I find the same menus repeated in multiple places.
> Yes I saw that but the multiple appearances are a result of the xml menus by
> themselve. Depending whether they are used for, the menus are generated as
> the sources were.

Isn't this in the XDG spec as to which menus appear where, in
categories?  I'm sure it is.

> One possibility could be to create the menus and then search for double
> entries, eliminate them and if a menu is empty delete it. But the actual

No.  That's just admitting to not wanting to fix the problem.  :)

> In the next days I will present a fvwm-menu-desktop config tool based on
> FvwmPerl which shows all founded menus on the system and let the user
> decide which menu/menus she/he wants to create and how.

That might be useful longer-term, but I think I'd rather see the
basics of this menu generation working first of all.

-- Thomas Adam

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