Thomas Adam wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 11:57:43PM +0200, Thomas Funk wrote:
>> How?
>> No examples found ...
> What is it you can't infer from the following?
> "man FvwmPerl"
> and:
> I'm really really short on time at the moment, but you need to use either or > both of the above, because the perl script as-is isn't quite right yet. I'm
> sure it works, but we have frameworks for dealing with this without
> reinventing the wheel, so let's use them.
> -- Thomas Adam
I looked into the documentation, but the examples are mostly for
building modules not using the scripting part. You're right it isn't
completely correct but it shows how I imagine it. And for testing it
can be used. I will overwork it. Thanks for the tips and hints :-)


Btw what do you think about the --insert-in-menu part? could this be

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