Ouch! Copy paste typo :S

Thomas Funk wrote:
> It does, but the string in FvwmScript have to be quoted in FvwmScript
> quotes:
> UseGettext {$FVWM_USERDIR/locale;fvwm-crystal:$FVWM_SYSTEMDIR/locale;fvwm-crystal:+}
UseGettext {$[FVWM_USERDIR]/locale;fvwm-crystal:$[FVWM_SYSTEMDIR]/locale;fvwm-crystal:+}

> If this doesn't work the problem could be that fvwm-crystal doesn't
> export FVWM_USERDIR in the shell, too. It is not enough to set
> FVWM_USERDIR in the config. I have had the same problems and fixed it in
> the start up script.
> For crystal the following should be added in fvwm-crystal startup script:
> # Default path
> # if a variable 'configfile' is defined in the environment, its value is
> # preserved; otherwise, the scripts look for configuration in common places.
> configfile="$HOME/fvwm-crystal/$configname"
> export FVWM_USERDIR=$HOME/fvwm-crystal
> export FNS_SYSTEMDIR=`dirname ${0}`/../share/fvwm-crystal
And here now that from above:
UseGettext {$FVWM_USERDIR/locale;fvwm-crystal:$FVWM_SYSTEMDIR/locale;fvwm-crystal:+}


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